Saturday, 31 October 2009
Trick or Treat? Read on to find out...
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
"I love what you do, don't you know that you're toxic..."
Monday, 26 October 2009
Welcomes Manchester Make up It Girl - Jade
Days are shorter, nights are longer so I guess it's 7 Hour Cream...

It's also good for sunburn, minor skin irritations and there are a whole range of products in the Eight Hour range from hand cream to sun protection. HAVE FUN!!!
Friday, 23 October 2009
Could she be the most beautiful girl in the World?
Yes, Idid say GUYS, I know you guys love reading my blog too, well today I've got some eye candy for y'all.

Thursday, 22 October 2009
What's your poison?
So, when I was waiting outside a barber shop in Brixton, this is what I saw outside a salon;

So, a bit on the history as to how the benefits of snail slime were discovered. Scientists in Mexico disocvered that snail slime contains natural amino acids, proteins, collagen and elastin. All of these ingredients are used by snails to help regenerate its calcareous skin when it's affected by any damage.
There are different brands of 'cream of snail slime' and the lady I spoke to at the salon assured me that they use the best brand called 'Eligarden', a company in Columbia.
Apparently, cream of snail slime repairs and rejuvenates skin which has been scarred by acne and burns, it is used for stretchmarks, wrinkles and years of sun damage.
You can actually by a soap and a cream, the salon I spoke to stock both but they also offer custom made courses of treatments for specific problems and courses start from £25, not bad eh? Well, I think I might go and catch some snails and make some slime smoothie and sell it on because my garden has some pedigree snails who try to eat my dogs food!!!
What do you think? Would you try this out?
Here are some other crazy and extreme beauty products;
* Snake peptide venom, which apparently is like botox and combats wrinkles.
* Geishas in Japan use Nightingale bird poo as part of their beauty regime.
* Erm... Organic BULL SPERM hair treatment..........
* A placental cream which ACTUALLY contains PLACENTA!! suppose it's better than eating it, like my school friend's mom did (yes, she ate my mate's placenta after she was born, she actually took it home and cooked it)!!!!.
Hope you've learned something new today, so like Sainsbury's slogan says "Try something new today", hahaha.
Have a fabulous evening.
Farrah G.G
Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Next time I will be blogging about this; Yes it does say 'CREAM OF SNAIL SLIME' (grosse).
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
So, manicured hands up who has dark circles that even YSL Touche Eclat can't hide?
I am one of those people, I don't know if it's an age thing (because my dark circles have only recently got worse) or if it's because I am mixed race and I have darker pigmentation or something (considering I am very pale without my Nars Casino Bronzer)!!! I sleep way over the average 8 hours a night, I must admit I don't drink much water. Jen T did suggest drinking green tea helps (haven't got round to trying that yet).

So anyway, I have tried a range of undereye concealers, the light reflective ones (eg, Touche Eclat) and the concealer sort (which are generally more creamy and thicker because they actually cover up the dark circles). I always use Bobbi Brown's (one of my favourite brands and one I have been using since I was a teenager) concealer kit which comes in a great little pot with the concealer in the top and loose powder underneath to set the concealer (see pic).
However, I have recently re-discovered one of THE best concealers for dark circles, it's another Bobbi Brown product and it's called the correcter;
It comes in a range of colours from Porcelain Bisque to Deep Bisque (my colour is peach). It is designed to be used under the concealer kit but this morning I didn't even need to use it once I had applied the corrector. I loved how natural it looked and it blended in with my skin tone rather than having two extra light panda circles!
Did I mention that I was considering having mesotherapy injections in my undereyes until I used my corrector this morning? Thank you for saving me £350 Bobbi Brown.

So, a huge round of applause to Bobbi Brown for inventing the 'star product of the week'.
Who or what product do you think will be honoured with 'star product of the week' next time? Answers on fb's wall please.
Make up it girl
Monday, 19 October 2009
Cheap Vs Chic
Friday, 16 October 2009
Laura Mercier Pressed Mineral Powder